Tutorial Web Sites

Always wondered how to do those amazing effects, or even the simple ones. Whilst I build my tutorials on this site check out these.

At the time of linking all these sites offer free tutorials, if this changes please let me know.

Ulead VideoStudio & PhotoImpact
Lots of tutorials on the above two programmes along with some useful digital video basics.

Computer tutorials
This section contains links to tutorials on using your computer, rather than video editing software, including things like how to detect spyware and viruses, phishing, VOIP. All things as computer users you really need to know, or just want to!

Windows Media Workshop
Each Windows Media Workshop lists all the hardware and software you'll need to complete your task, as well as step-by-step procedures and videos to show you exactly what to do

Creative Cow
Standing for Communities Of the World, it covers many different app's, lots of information and many tutorials

Wrigley Video Productions
For help with Adobe Premiere, Audition and Encore

Doogs Adobe Encore Tutorials
As it says, tutorials on Adobe Encore.

Good Tutorials
For Adobe Photoshop

Planet Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop

Adobe's own site

Canopus Tutorials
For those using Canopus storm cards and Premiere

An easy to understand tutorial on the basics of lighting from PAG.

Broadcast engineering
Not really tutorials but good high end training for those passed the beginner stage.

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